Tutorial Record #1

Notes of Discussion

1) The concept, Interactive wall installation about nocturnal animals and its issues.

Linyew's feedback: He said the concept is simple 
and straight forward, no big problem on the concept. 
I can proceed with it.

2) Technical, Wiimote and sensor bar.

Linyew's feedback: Instead of Wiimote, can also 
look for more options of technical (execution method). 
Keywords of technical research - wii arduino, 
location tracking, Infared camera (IR), bluetooth.  

Agreed Actions

Content need deeper research and solid. 

Visuals are important, based on the target audience think 
of the style that I want to go for.  

Suggest to change user experience, instead of multiple 
flashlight, can try using 1 torchlight with choices on 


Date: 1 June 2016      Tutor: Lin Yew