Updates on visuals

Approach 1: A close up shot of the forest with all 4 hidden animals in the scene.



Approach 2: A close up shot of the forest with all 4 hidden animals in the scene. The tone are changed to all dark shades including the animals because it makes more sense that its at night.nitw-dark

Approach 3: I tried doing a more far scene so that when the user look thru the forest it doesnt seem to big. or it could use for other scenes.



Approach 4: Added in the hidden animals but it seems funny nitw-2-hid

The Brief

This blog is to document all the details, research and development for my project planning process in the subject – Project Planning and Management. 

In the first semester of level 6, we need to produce a prospectus document setting out a proposal for a project within the broad remit of Interactive Media Design as an area of study or professional practice. Then, present a 10 minutes live, spoken ‘pitch’ to a panel of tutors with supporting visual materials and so on, followed by 3-minute questions & answers session in the end of the semester. The project idea ‘pitch’ need to present as if a funding project, convince the panel that is the project idea is feasible to produce.