Processing or HTML5?

In my plan of choosing the suitable technical platforms, I did struggle abit because I dont know and not really sure about my capability.

First of all, my initial plan was processing because my benchmark used processing. I was thinking processing is a confirm possibility for my project. But there will be a lot of challenges..

  • new learning of programming language on my own
  • No tutors to help in my coding
  • Tim constraint for me to learn a new language while building for my project

Therefore, I look to another alternative of using HTML5. Something that I am familiar with and have used for a number of projects. But then it will be like I’m staying in my own comfort zone…

Should I take up the challenge ?

Mayflash Dolphin Sensor Bar

Mayflash Dolphin sensor bar is something that scripts to connect Wii Remotes via Bluetooth, which is what exactly i needed. It works almost the same like Darwiinmote but ofcourse its more stable and the navigation is more free. Darwiinmote was a very old software, and this sensor bar is the latest one. Will be letting my specialist review about it before i’m buying it.



I have tried DarWiinmote, and successfully connected it to Wiimote. It works as a mouse cursor in Mac but the stability is really bad, the cursor keeps shaking. The worst part is the movement of navigating the mouse to left & right is by tilting the Wiimote instead of moving it freely to the left or right. Quite disappointed with it.. Now I need to look for new alternatives..



Tutorial of Flashlight effects with Processing

In Daniel Shiffman Website he posted alot of tutorials on the basics of Processing. But it is sort of like a sneak peak into his book “Learning Processing: The Nature of Code”. And I found a tutorial about the flashlight effect, it seems not too complicated, will be trying out soon.  Daniel Shiffman also puts up video tutorials and sometimes live tutorials on Youtube.


Color detection

Flashlight+ is my first project of image processing with Processing. 
Flashlight+ uses concept of 'object amelioration' and integration of 
real world and virtual world by using normal flashlight 
- color detection and tracking to translate to flashlight-like 
computer image.

Programming doesn't add motion tracking, so it's quite shaky.

Created and Programmed by mor+, October 13, 2009 with edited and 
collaged codes from Learning Processing by Daniel Shiffman
, Tutorial 
16-3 Adjust Video Brightness, 16-11 Simple Color Tracking

Made in Thailand


#option for Flashlight Navigation