Tutorial Record #2


Notes of Discussion

Updates on technical research that I found, 3 ways.

1) Using Wiimote as mouse cursor via bluetooth and use 
processing sketch to make flashlight simulation effect 
over video as background. 

2) Wiimote IR infared signal and wii (IR) sensor bar. 

3) Color detection (processing) with a real flashlight.


1) Multiple flashlights, multiple sensors 

2) Start trigger

3) bluetooth stablity


Agreed Actions

Lin Yew's feedback: 
Think of the space, level of interaction,as there's only 
1 interaction (user use flashlight to navigate).
Balance out the researches with content.
Keep options open, explore other choice of execution.
Think of the sound ambience

Technical reference: Computer vision-Grafitti Research Lab 
Digital grafitti using light beam on outdoor building (laser tag)
Youtube video-Laser grafitti instructional



Date: 8 June 2016      Tutor: Lin Yew





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